Upcoming for SDCC 2019:The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

Original Article: Fangirl Nation

By Toni Adams

San Diego Comic Con, the mecca for all West coast and International geekery, is almost upon us. Prepare for the onslaught of incoming news and premieres.

From the diverse production efforts of those who brought you projects such as 300, Dungeons and Dragons, King of the Hill, American Dad, Silicon Valley, and Workaholics comes the announcement of the adult animated series: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.

“We connected so much to these characters,” said Adam Devine and Blake Anderson. “They’re just trying to enjoy life while understanding the world around them, and the adventures they go through along the way had us fully giggling while simultaneously making us think. When the opportunity arose to get involved not just as talent but also on a creative level, we jumped at the chance and also WEED, man!”

For those who are attending San Diego Comic Con and looking for a panel to check out, here are the details:

Date: Friday, July 19

Time: 7 pm

Location: Room 6 BCF

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers   is based off of a comic series created by Gilbert Shelton, who will also be joining in as an Executive Producer.  The comic first came out in 1986 as an underground press comic strip. The strip centered around three “freaks” and a cat in San Francisco. They are always looking for a “state of bliss” but constantly wracked by paranoia or stimulant induced frenzies. There will be eight 22 minute episodes debuting in 2020.

Those who are involved in the series:

  • Showrunners: Alan Cohen and Alan Freedland (King of the Hill, America Dad)

  • Writers: John Althschuler and Dave Krinsky (Silicon Valley)

  • Voice Actors: Adam Devine and Blake Anderson (Workaholics)

  • Animation studios: Starburns Industries (Rick and Morty, Animals) and Pure Imagination Studios (The Simpsons, Lego Batman)